Declaration of conformity, what is it anyway?

Do I need a declaration of conformity?
A declaration of conformity is required to show that the product complies with European safety standards and legislation, specifically CE legislation. This is important because otherwise the product may not be sold in the European market. It is also a way to build trust with customers because they can be confident that the product is safe and compliant with regulations.
Many products we use in our daily lives require an EC declaration. Consider small electrical devices such as, cell phone chargers, headphones, shavers and other portable electronics. But don’t forget that toys for children and babies are also subject to this. For example: soft toys, puzzles, blocks and other educational toys.
Important points in a declaration of conformity
A declaration of conformity contains essential information about the product, manufacturer and applicable standards. Key components to be included in the statement include:
- The name and address of the manufacturer
- The description of the product
- The European guidelines used
- The standards and/or technical specifications used to assess the product’s compliance with safety standards
- Information on the testing procedures performed to determine whether the product is safe
- Date and signature of authorized person within the organization
What are the dangers of not having this statement?
The dangers of not having a declaration of conformity or having an incorrect declaration of conformity are great. First of all, it is illegal to sell products without having a declaration of conformity. In addition, having an incorrect declaration of conformity can lead to unsafe products and thus risks to users’ health.
Another important factor that can affect not having a declaration of conformity is the risk of liability for the manufacturer or seller. If a product does not comply with applicable regulations and an accident or incident occurs with the product, the manufacturer or seller may be held liable for any damages or injuries. This can lead to financial losses and reputational damage for the company.
Therefore, it is critical for companies marketing products to have a declaration of conformity indicating that the product complies with applicable regulations and is safe for use. This can help reduce liability and increase consumer confidence in the product. Therefore, pay close attention to which party you choose to prepare your declaration of conformity. It seems like a simple document that can do little harm, but in reality, this is a very different case.
Do you now feel that you would like an expert to prepare the compliance statement for you? Then simply apply here for a declaration of conformity prepared by experts at Instrux.